ISBN 978-956-9337-69-7

The Land of Hotu Matu'a

Autor:Englert, Sebastián
Editorial:Editorial Rapanui Press Limitada
Materia:Grupos raciales. étnicos. nacionales
Clasificación:Historia y arqueología
Público objetivo:General
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:364
Encuadernación:Tapa blanda o rústica


“The uncrowned king of Easter Island”, the title with which Thor Heyerdahl christened Father Sebastian Englert, was an untiring researcher who dedicated himself to the study of all aspects of Rapanui culture, from the traditional history, guarded in the memory of some of the families, through their language and to the conservation of the archaeological heritage. “The Land of Hotu Matu’a” is largely the compilation of all this patient labor of cultural rescue... and continues to be the main source of general information on the Rapanui culture to be found in the Spanish language.
This edition is a translation of the second and latest version of this work, published in Spanish in 1974, containing various revisions and new information gleaned from 30 years of constant research. Without a doubt, it is a fundamental classic that is now within the reach of all those who love the culture and the people of Rapa Nui, to which the author devoted his life.


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