ISBN 978-956-420-506-9

The Wack Pack
Inside the Bizarre World of Trump's Most Unlikely Allies

Autor:John Bentsen
Editorial:Olave Bentsen, Juan Pablo
Materia:Biografía Líderes. pensadores. trabajadores religiosos
Clasificación:Biografías, literatura y estudios literarios
Público objetivo:General
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:0
Formato:Amazon Kindle


Power, loyalty, betrayal—welcome to the world of Trump’s most infamous inner circle.

As Donald Trump returns to the White House in 2025, The Whack Pack dives deep into the figures who have shaped, defended, and disrupted his political career. From longtime confidants to scandal-plagued loyalists, this book unpacks the lives, motivations, and controversies of the people who orbit Trump’s political empire.

Investigative journalist John Bentsen profiles key players like Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell, and Marjorie Taylor Greene—revealing their influence, their public downfalls, and how their unwavering support (or ultimate betrayal) defined an era of American politics.

With exclusive insights, documented sources, and firsthand accounts, The Whack Pack explores:

Roger Stone – The self-proclaimed “dirty trickster” who has shaped conservative politics for decades.
Steve Bannon – The mastermind behind Trump’s nationalist agenda and a global populist movement.
Rudy Giuliani – From “America’s Mayor” to election fraud crusader, his dramatic transformation and legal battles.
Sydney Powell – The lawyer behind the infamous “Kraken” lawsuits and the fight to overturn the 2020 election.
Mike Lindell – The MyPillow CEO turned political firebrand and his relentless quest for election conspiracies.
Marjorie Taylor Greene – The outspoken congresswoman pushing the boundaries of the Republican Party.
As Trump enters his second term, The Whack Pack also teases the rise of new players, including Elon Musk, Stephen Miller, and Laura Loomer, who could shape the next phase of American politics.

Who will stay loyal? Who will fall from grace? And who will be part of the next chapter?

A gripping, well-researched, and unfiltered look at the people behind the headlines, The Whack Pack is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the forces driving Trump’s political movement—and what comes next.


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