ISBN 978-956-6404-12-5

333 Middle Diablo Part 1
The Beginnings of The Story About a Crimson Warrior

Autor:García, Sebastián
Colaborador:Mastrodoménico, Alicia (Traducido por)
Editorial:Editorial Ígneo Chile, C.A.
Materia:Literatura uruguaya
Clasificación:Ficción moderna y contemporánea
Público objetivo:General
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:408
Encuadernación:Tapa blanda o rústica


In 333 Middle Diablo, we have the story of Lucí Fernández, a half-demon teenager who discovers through contact with an enchanted bracelet from her deceased father that she, her family, and her best friend Lancelot belong to the legion of magical Shinigami Templars, hunters of evil demons that cause havoc in the spiritual plane of the world of Nirma and in the spiritual and even physical planes of Earth. Lucí, then, quickly learns to be a warrior and the rules of the spiritual world with which she has come into contact. We know all her story, her journey, and her adventure from the voice of Vincen Beatun, the narrator of this story.

Sebastián García
Uruguayan, he is a young man with great imagination and creativity. The death of his mother, along with that of his future sister at the age of 5, marked him forever. At the age of 6, they told him that he would never be able to read, but that was not the case: by the age of 8, he was already going up and down the stairs reading books. Now, at 19 years old, he publishes his first book with the hope of publishing many more and making this a great saga.


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